Study Guides 2018

Study Guides


Disarmament and International Security Committee

  1. The threat of systematic corruption to international security
  2. Measures to reduce paramilitary groups in Latin America

Social Humanitarian and Cultural Committee

  1. Right to sexual determination and protection from sexual assault
  2. Increasing women’s participation in democratic governance and peace building

Special Political and Decolonization Committee

  1. The question of Gibraltar
  2. Nationalism and self-determination in times of international terrorism

Legal Committee

  1. The rule of law on a local and international level
  2. The legality of artificial islands for military use


Environmental Commission

  1. The implementation of the Paris Agreement
  2. Preventing land degradation in Sub-Saharan Africa
  3. Measures towards safeguarding maritime ecosystems

Economic and Social Council

  1. Improving living conditions for minority groups
  2. Preventing tax evasion by multinational firms
  3. The utilization of genetically modified foods in the fight against hunger

World Health Organization

  1. Combating unsafe abortions
  2. Tribal superstitions, traditions and shamanism regarding medical practice
  3. The question of the privatization of healthcare in developing nations

Security Council

  1. Establishing stability in El Salvador
  2. The issue of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar
  3. Assessing NATO’s Involvement in Inter-State Conflicts

UN Office on Drugs and Crime

  1. Eliminating violence and crime in the Northern Triangle
  2. Prison reform and the alternatives to imprisonment
  3. Responding to the rise of new psychoactive substances

International Court of Justice

  1. Jadhav Case (India v. Pakistan)