About the Conference

The American College of Greece Model United Nations (ACGMUN) Conference, hosted at Pierce – The American College of Greece, is annual United Nations simulation conference that spans three days and welcomes senior secondary school students (with junior secondary students also encouraged to participate). The conference, conducted entirely in English, commenced in 2017 and recently concluded its 7th successful session, which granted it THIMUN Affiliation. As a THIMUN Affiliated Conference, ACGMUN upholds its dedication to fostering meaningful dialogue, understanding, and collaboration among students from more than 10 countries every year, implementing the morals and academic excellence of the THIMUN Foundation.

ACGMUN Conferences:

1st ACGMUN: March 31st – April 2nd, 2017

2nd ACGMUN: March 15th – March 17th, 2018

3rd ACGMUN: April 5th – April 7th, 2019

4th ACGMUN: April 3rd – April 5th, 2020 (Cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions)

4th ACGMUN: March 19th – March 21st, 2021

5th ACGMUN: April 8th – April 10th, 2022

6th ACGMUN: April 1st  – April 2nd, 2023

7th ACGMUN: March 29th – March 31st, 2024

Located in Athens, Greece, Pierce – The American College of Greece, boasts a rich history dating back to 1875. The institution’s mission, as articulated on its website, is to offer a comprehensive education that nurtures intellectually independent, morally responsible, socially engaged global citizens. The institutional ethos is encapsulated by the motto “Non ministrari sed ministrare” (“Not to be served but to serve”), reflecting our dedication to fostering a spirit of service among our students.

Consequently, ACGMUN upholds the aforementioned principles and strives to foster an environment during the conference that enables students to delve into researching and debating current global issues. This environment encourages participants to freely express their opinions and facilitates the formation of alliances aimed at developing practical solutions.

The 1st ACGMUN was delighted to host 250 delegates representing schools from Greece and across the globe. Subsequent conferences saw an increase in attendance: the 2nd ACGMUN welcomed 350 delegates, followed by the 3rd, 4th, and 5th ACGMUN with a total of 450 delegates each. The 6th ACGMUN saw a significant rise with 680 delegates, while the 7th ACGMUN maintained a robust attendance with 650 delegates. Each year, approximately 25 to 40 schools participate, with the majority of delegates studying outside Pierce. Participating schools have an international presence, spanning countries such as Bulgaria, India, Egypt, Turkey, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Israel, Italy, and South Africa.

Each conference is centered around a specific theme, which serves as the foundation for some of the Agenda topics. Previous themes have included Globalism, Stability, Equality / Digital Citizenship / Zero Hunger / Global Unity / Decent Work & Economic Growth / Breaking Barriers / Reaching Net-Zero. The Organizing Team for each conference is responsible for determining both the theme and the Agenda topics. ACGMUN adheres to THIMUN Rules of Procedure. English serves as the sole official and operational language for the conference, being utilized in all proceedings and communication among delegates. This regulation is applicable to all committees and within the school premises at all times.

ACGMUN’s greatest strength lies in its student-driven organization. Each year, the Organizing Team comprises around ten Pierce students, carefully selected through interviews, in collaboration with three Pierce MUN Directors (Advisors), former ACGMUN Secretariat members, and the current Secretariat of each conference. Together, they work closely to orchestrate an exceptionally reputable MUN conference annually. For the Opening Ceremony, distinguished guest speakers, including ambassadors from different nations and professionals in fields such as Human Rights, Economics, and Sustainability, are invited. The Closing Ceremony takes on a more spirited atmosphere, with Student Officers given the opportunity to address the audience.

Our conference takes great pride in its commitment to upholding the sustainability objectives of our school. The 6th ACGMUN proudly attained a Gold Star in sustainability, following our school’s guidelines. This recognition was achieved by minimizing waste in alignment with the Stars Rating System, through which our school as a whole has also earned a Gold Star.

Throughout our three-day conference, we produce an online newspaper named “The Daily Herald,” which covers the events of the day and highlights noteworthy occurrences. In 2019, our conference opted for a live blog instead of the newsletter to further diminish paper consumption.