

Disarmament and International Security Committee

  1. Territorial integrity of former Soviet States
  2. Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration for child soldiers

Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee

  1. Protection of cultural heritage in times of conflict
  2. Dealing with the issue of press censorship

Special Political and Decolonization Committee

  1. Questioning the effectiveness and goals of the Non-Aligned Movement
  2. The question of Private Military Companies

Legal Committee

  1. The legality of physician-assisted suicide
  2. Determining, facilitating and upholding the right of terrorists to a free trial


NON-GA Committees

Environmental Commission

  1. Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes
  2. Exploitation of sea-based resources and acidification

Economic and Social CouncilĀ (ECOSOC)

  1. Reformation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  2. International cooperation in the prevention, investigation , prosecution and punishment of economic fraud and identity-related crime
  3. Promoting education in post-conflict regions

Security CouncilĀ (SC)

  1. The situation in Burundi
  2. The situation in Venezuela

World Health Organization

  1. The question of legalizing the sale of organs due to the worldwide organ shortage
  2. The regulation of genetic testing

African Union

  1. The issue of female genital mutilation
  2. Seeking to put an end to the Central African Republic civil war
  3. The rise of Al Shabaab

International Court of JusticeĀ (ICJ)

  1. Iran vs. U.S.A. (Certain Iranian Assets)